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Sunday, 29 May 2011

Sitting firmly on the fence

Afternoon all,

This post has been waiting since Friday, but it's something that's needed to be said for a long while. Others have touched upon it's content and now that the football season has finished and the silly season has begun I thought I'd throw my thoughts out at it.

On Friday i was labelled as an AKB. I told said labeller to "fuck right off" before ending my conversation with him. I just don't get it.

Why as supporters of one club do we have this 'civil war'? fair enough we have different ideals of how the manager should deal with the team an how the board should deal with the manager, but just because you think differently doesn't mean you have to force your opinion down the throat of others. That my friends is what is known as "bollocks".

Opinions have to be respected and not shot down, but not enforced on others.

For my part, I think Wenger should have this summer to rectify the mess of this Arsenal team he has created; if at the end of next season thing haven't changed and we (again) crumble like a digestive biscuit then I think it will be time for the club to say "Thanks Arsene" and move him up to a director of football position or move him on completely. Either way bring in someone new, fresh and re-invigorate the club. I'm neither part of the AKB or the InArseneWeRust. I'm a fan or The Arsenal. Nothing more, nothing less. Deal with it fuckers!!!

For what it's worth I think it would be a good idea to keep AW within the club if such a situation arises but I would complete understand if he left completely.

As it stands however we haven't reached that point in time yet, AW will be leading this team into next season and will be looking to improve the side over the next 10 weeks. So can we at least try to all get along for the next 10 weeks? Please? Fuck all the 'AKB' Vs 'In Arsene We Rust' shit, all of that can resume again in due course. Lets just see what AW does before we again take arms against each other. eh?

Up The Arse!!

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